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Partnering with your doctor to take on CIDP

Once you've been diagnosed with chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP), it can be useful to partner with your care team in shared decision-making to meet your treatment and life goals.

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Your CIDP partners

To make the most of life with , it's important to have a support system. This includes building a team of healthcare professionals that's right for you and your needs.

Your healthcare team may include:

  • Nurse
  • Treatment/infusion specialist
  • Psychologist or mental healthcare professional
  • Dietitian
  • Caregiver
  • Nurse
  • Treatment/infusion specialist
  • Psychologist or mental healthcare professional
  • Dietitian
  • Caregiver

Be sure to communicate with your team on a regular basis.

Your CIDP management plan might change over time, depending on your symptoms and current needs. It's a good idea to have ongoing conversations with your healthcare team about what's working for you, as well as what's not working.

Your CIDP management plan

Recently diagnosed with CIDP? Now's the time to partner with your doctors and figure out what comes next. Part of that partnership includes creating a CIDP management plan that's specific to you.

Your CIDP management plan may include medication, additional specialists, or lifestyle changes:

Physical therapy & occupational therapy

Strengthening and endurance exercises can improve balance and mobility in affected areas of the body.

Regular exercise

You may also find it helpful to perform low-impact exercises with needed breaks. Work with your doctor to customize an exercise regimen that's right for you.


Treatment of CIDP usually takes place at an infusion center, or depending on insurance, at your home. If you've previously received or are currently on any type of treatment for CIDP, it's important to make note of how you feel and how your body is responding.

Treatment options for CIDP may include:

  • Plasmapheresis

    A type of plasma exchange in which the liquid part of the blood (plasma) is separated from the blood cells. The plasma is treated and then returned to your body.

  • Immunoglobulin

    Antibodies that can be given intravenously into a vein (called IVIg) or subcutaneously (called SCIg) under the skin.

  • Corticosteroids

    A class of oral medication similar to the anti-inflammatory hormones the body naturally makes. Sometimes they are used as initial treatment to improve strength, and are generally inexpensive.

Keep your doctor up to date on your symptoms and how you feel while taking your medication. Your doctor will work with you to make any needed adjustments, and it's important not to stop your treatment on your own.

Download the symptom tracker to take note of your symptoms and how you feel over time. It may help you have clearer conversations with your care team.

People with CIDP often complain about tingling and pin and needle sensations

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Questions to ask your doctor

If you have a management plan for your CIDP or are ready to make one, take some time to ask your care team about expectations. This will help you prepare for the road ahead or assess whether your goals are being met.

  • How can I expect my symptoms to change over time?
  • What will the impact of CIDP have on my daily life?
  • What are the risks of CIDP and CIDP management?
  • What can I expect to achieve from managing my CIDP?
  • Does my management plan fit into my lifestyle?
  • Where can I go for physical or occupational therapy?

To help you make the most of your doctor visits, we've created a checklist of topics to discuss.



As a caregiver, you see how your loved one is doing over time. Be sure to note any changes in their abilities to complete a task such as tying their shoes or opening a bottle. Speak to both your loved one and their care team about these changes, as it may be an indicator to adjust treatment.


WHERE TO FIND A Neurologist

Finding a neurologist is the first step to a correct diagnosis and an appropriate management plan. It's important to advocate for yourself until you find the neurologist who is right for you.

FIND A Neurologist


Get the latest information on CIDP, plus a free CIDP starter kit filled with information, resources, and tools to help you along your CIDP journey.